


主演:MarkLandvik JohnJackson 崔维斯·莱斯



本部纪录片是一部关于极限运动滑雪的影片。经过两年的摄制,《》将为您呈现一出标新立异的“雪山飞魂”。  滑雪高手特拉维斯和他的朋友们正在改写和重新定义所谓不可能的地方。这群不要命的疯子,在世界各地的地方进行着滑雪运动,从到南美安第斯山脉,从莽莽高山之中到皑皑白雪之上。他们正在尝试体验下一次极限的超越,试图挖掘出未曾踏足的任何一处角落。在影片中,你或许会为触目惊心的一幕而心跳加速,又或许被毕生难忘的冰雪所震撼不已。滑雪运动,这的确是一项勇敢者的游戏,当然也是一次有关飞翔的艺术。Two years in the making, “The Art of FLIGHT” gives iconic snowboarder Travis Rice and friends the opportunity to redefine what is possible in the mountains. Experience the highs, as new tricks are landed and new zones opened, alongside the lows, where avalanches, accidents and wrong-turns strike. For the first time, viewers are immersed in the sometimes successful, often trying quest to open up new, unexplored mountains in remote corners of the world.1 No Way ---The Naked and Famous2 Another Day---The Album Leaf3 My Tears Are Becomin... -- M834 Westfall -- Okkervil River5 Young Blood -- The Naked and Famous 电影插曲